Monday, February 4, 2008

Article Marketing - You Can't Live Without These 3 Building Blocks

1. The articles have to have key word rich content. We know that people don't go to the article directories and just search around through the list and pick out whatever catches their eye. The bottom line is that people perform searches with the major search engines, typing in a key word or keyword phrase in order to find data that will help them get the information they are looking for.

So, although you should write your articles for humans, you should write them for humans that are looking for their information through search engines. If your article is not indexed with appropriate and logical key words, it is probably going to end up an undisturbed packet of bits somewhere: therefore, bringing you, as the writer, very little value in terms of creating pathways back to your website, blog or ezine subscription -- which translates to little or no visitors for your site.

2. The articles have to be published on high profile directory sites with a *page ranking* of 3 or higher. The reality is that most of us will never have a website, blog, article or group of articles valued by the search engines enough to get a top page ranking for a key word or key word phrase. This is the value of publishing and syndicating your articles with one of the larger article directories. They have the clout, you have the content.

So, an article directory gives your article credibility both with the readers, and the search engines. Because of this, it has a better chance of getting a higher ranking in the search engine results. Those rankings will improve the visibility of the article and provide you with readers you might not have otherwise gotten.

3. The article has to have a working resource box with at least one fully written URL, information on the value that the author brings to the reader, and a call to action.

Not only is your article going to be published on other sites, each having different formats for inputting the data, but you don't know who will be doing the actual publishing. One way of protecting yourself against possible problems with the links in your resource box is to type at least one URL with the full http colon back slashes in the address.

In addition to the great article, let the reader know something about the author that will confirm to them that looking to this author for more information is a good decision. *John Doe has personally helped 70 people learn to eat properly with a knife and fork allowing them to eat in public without ridicule.*

And lastly, a call to action: *If you never want to be embarrassed by your obvious lack of breeding again, sign up to receive a free report on how your use of the knife and fork can fool the most pompous people, even fooling the king and queen themselves.

Dan Iverson can show you how to make your first step a big one when starting your home based business. Having closely documented and written about all that he has learned and because he tracked what actually worked, he can show you how to make your first steps as productive and effective as possible. Come sign up for his ezine at or sign up at his website at Dan Iverson, Financial Certainty, Inc. 678.851.8284 Read all my ezine articles at

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