Monday, February 4, 2008

Article Marketing - This Just May be What the Stay-at-Home Mom is Looking For

It's not a secret. It isn't as if no one knows she is there. We even know that she controls over 50% of the purchasing decisions in her home. So why don't we spend more time talking to her? Asking her questions? Finding out what she needs and wants? Of course, I am talking about the stay-at- home mom.

I have known about you since my first introduction to home based business. I have read statistics about you and read articles written by you since I started looking around the Internet for ways to make money from home. Yet, since then, I have read thousands of emails, hundreds of sales letters and websites, and yet, you don't seem to be getting your due recognition.

When I first started interviewing women looking for home based business opportunities, you would tell me that you are on the Internet very regularly looking around at everything. You see all of these claims that you can make all of this money from home, but most of them are like a shell game.

They promise the world, they say all the right things, they get your interest, but they never seem to just come straight out and tell you what the business actually is. You tell me things like, *It usually turns out to be one of those pyramid schemes.* The truth is after a year or so, you have just about lost hope. Now it all sounds the same; it reminds you of the teacher's voice in the Charlie Brown classroom scenes. (whaa whaw whaa whaaaaw)

So what is the answer? Article marketing. When I was in grade school, I hated the girls the teacher put on my left and right to keep me out of trouble, because they had perfect handwriting. They would pass notes back and forth day after day. When we needed to write a book report, it was more like an art project. Their hand writing was so consistent and readable.

Since then, I have even read books about, and practiced my hand writing, and still my office manager will hand me a note, or my mother, and the hand writing is beautiful. So how does all this lead me to the conclusion that article marketing is the solution to your problem?

I think many women as girls were encouraged in there writing pursuits. They have a writing voice, the know how to express themselves and their not afraid to write. If you combine this with some of the opportunities that are opening up on the Internet, I think you have a good fit.

The truth is there is an information gap on the Internet. Thousands of searches come back without results every day. Even the guy whose writing was destined to be a doctor, and whose brain was destined to be a janitor is writing and making money on the internet. Thank God for spell check and grammar check -- did I mention the thesaurus button?

So start simple, go to and set up your blog. Then setup an account on this article directory. Then just start writing articles. Don't know what to write about? Start by writing about your frustrations of trying to find ways to make money from home online. Want to understand something on the Internet better, like SEO? Then write 50 articles about it, and soon you will be the expert that people will be looking to for advice. Go ahead, give it a try.

Dan Iverson can show you how to make your first step a big one when starting your home based business. Having closely documented and written about all that he has learned and because he tracked what actually worked, he can show you how to make your first steps as productive and effective as possible. Come sign up for his ezine at or sign up at his website at Dan Iverson, Financial Certainty, Inc. 678.851.8284 Read all my ezine articles at

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