Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Article Marketing - Get 2 to 5 Times the Visitors from an 800 Plus Word Article? Really Easy!

I like to read articles. I guess I am not the only one I say with a smile, since I guess that is the point of article directories. Sometimes I am very impressed by the depth and quality of an article. When I read one of these, I usually feel inspired to step up my game a little when writing my articles.

The problem with this is that as soon as I try to go a little deeper with one of my articles, they start to get longer and longer. This is bad for two reasons. Longer articles don't get read any more, if anything, they get read less. Second, I am getting less return on my investment of time.

Let me explain, if it takes me 30 to 45 min to write an article, that time is my investment for the number of visitors that I hope to inspire to come to my site. If I spend 1 hour or even more, and I get the same results, then that is not as good of an investment of my time.

You might say, well I like writing more in-depth articles and I don't care if I have to put a little more time into each one. The truth is you should like writing better and more in-depth content. This is how you will share your expertise with the world. The place for that content is on your website.

It is important to remember the role of each step of the process. And the role of the article is an appetizer. Not some cheap filler food, or a nibble, but a good healthy quality appetizer. But afterwards, you want the reader to be so impressed, that they want to go to your site and get the full meal.

So, how do you get the greatest return on your investment when an article does get a little long? Article sets. Turn your article into two or more articles. You can even turn them into parts if you need to add on a little more information. But, if you build multiple articles, you will get more visitors for the effort, and you will be giving your readers the size bites they have shown us they like to read.

Dan Iverson can show you how to make your first step a big one when starting your home based business. Having closely documented and written about all that he has learned and because he tracked what actually worked, he can show you how to make your first steps as productive and effective as possible. Come sign up for his ezine at or sign up at his website at Dan Iverson, Financial Certainty, Inc. 678.851.8284

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