Monday, December 31, 2007

Article Marketing - Learn How To Get So Much Traffic You Couldn't Stop It If You Tried Part I

Did you know that each article you write is like having a personally hired and trained sales rep just for you and your business? The better you equip that sales rep, give her good information and the right tools, the more effective she can be. In the article marketing world we call each article an *article agent.* You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the more agents or sale reps you have out in the field, the more opportunities for sales you are going to have.

I want you to take a moment and think about conversion ratios. I have worked at companies where there were more than 25 sales reps working for the company. The interesting thing is that you could randomly select a group of sales reps just about anywhere and you will find that there are always a couple that just do amazing things. They sell so much more than everyone else that it's hard to believe their from the same planet as the rest of us.

Then on the other end of that spectrum, there are always those reps that sell so little that it seems like their phones must have been broken for most of the year. These are the ones that companies have to churn through year after year and find replacements for.

But the majority of sales reps fall in the middle. The funny thing is that you can usually measure the difference in total sales between all of those in the middle with numbers in the single digits.

There is one more thing about sales reps that is kind of interesting, and that is it is just about impossible to tell what group a sales rep is going to fall into when you hire them. Sometimes the person you think is going to be fantastic ends up being very average, and the person you thought might not be so hot, ends up being the rep that turns the world on fire. You just never know.

The point is that you just need to keep putting reps, out there. Enjoy the amazing ones, lament the not so good ones, and let all the rest make you a great living. Just remember, that more is always better, and it is the only part you can control.

Dan Iverson can show you how to make your first step a big step when starting your home based business. Having closely documented and written about all that he has learned and because he tracked what actually worked, he can show you how you can start where it took him two years to get to. Let Dan show you how to make your first steps as productive and effective as possible. Come sign up for his ezine at or sign up at his website at Dan Iverson, Financial Certainty, Inc. 678.851.8284 Read all my ezine articles at

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