Saturday, November 24, 2007
Do You Bring Real Value to Your List?
Here is an example that I heard early on in my sales career that I think illustrates this best. Let’s imagine a typical sales call where you go out and meet with a potential client to learn more about them and to give them a chance to learn more about you. At the end of the first call, you find out that they are definitely going to be buying your product or service, but they are in the early stages of their process and it will be at least a year before they make any buying decisions.
Now, if you were a typical sales person, you would have noticed the big fish on the wall just to the right when you walked into the owner’s office. Being the master sales person that you were taught to be, you would say, "Wow, that's a beauty, did you catch that?" And the owner would tell you that he did, and that it was a long time ago, and that he keeps meaning to take that thing down.
Now if you were a not so typical sales rep, you would have found out how the owner got into this business, what some of his biggest problems were, who some of his strategic partners were, and what some of his long term goals for the business are.
One of the key factors in getting this account would be in building a relationship in the follow up over the next year. The typical sales rep would call every two weeks and say, "Hey mister business owner, how's it going? You still have that big fish on your wall? How are things moving forward with your decision making process? Good, good, you don't mind if I continue to check in with you do you, just doing my job you know?" And the owner would say that would be fine and you would get off of the phone. Now imagine getting this exact same call 24 times over the next year. How much would you look forward to this call, and how fast would you get back to this person if they left you a message?
Let's take a look at what the not so typical sales rep did for that same year. He read a lot of business journals and did regular research online learning more about the company, their partners and there competition. As he ran across something that was particularly interesting, he would cut it out, or write down the URL and send it to the business owner and follow up a week later asking if the owner received it and ask him if had heard that, or what he thought about it, or he might ask him if that has any impact on his business? Now imagine getting this information and call 20 or so times over the next year.
At the end of the year, who do you think got the business? Why? If you answered the typical sales rep, then I would not quite my day job if I were you. If you see that by bringing real value to the business owner you build both a professional and personal relationship and you see how that would build trust, you are well on your way in building your business. Remember, people only do business with people they feel they can trust, and if a person show a real interest in you, your business, it’s future, and supplies valuable information in the process, he wins.
Dan Iverson can show you how to take a big first step in starting your home based business. Having closely documented and written about all that I have learned and what has worked and what hasn't, I can show you how you can start where it took me two years to get to. Let me show you how make your first steps building your business as productive and effective as possible. Come check out my ezine at and my website at Dan Iverson, Financial Certainty, Inc. 678.851.8284
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Who am I?
When people start to build some momentum with their online businesses, it is because they begin to define themselves and that helps them determine a focus and then they usually say things like, “I did more in the last 3 months than I did in the whole year, sometimes two, before.”
The funny thing is that this is one of those things you have to be ready to hear. In other words, you will probably hear it a few more times, before it is your turn. But, for those of you who are hearing me, and now your thinking, “Great, now I need to find the answer to one more intangible before I can start to make money, and I don’t have any idea how to do this either.”
The good news is this is why I can help you start where it took me 2 years to get to. With the prewritten 400 day ezine on autoresponder, you have the ability to focus on learning, finding what fits best for you, and still make money right from the start. Having a prewritten autoresponder lets you focus on building your list, and the Plug in Profit system gives you some good companies to market so you can start to make money, grow your list, all the while you are learning how to take what you have to the next level.
What you will find, is that as you build your list, and you communicate with your subscribers, you will learn more about what they need and what kinds of things you need to focus on to better serve them. You will also start to discover your own voice, and see how your individual strengths can best serve the group.
I don’t want to make this too long, so I am going to give you an action plan to walk you through the first steps.
First download and start using RoboForm: Filling out forms and remembering username and passwords, is something that you do not need to spend your time doing. This link lets you try it for free.
I wrote more about RoboForm in an earlier ezine, which you can check out at
Second, you need to go to the Plug in Profit site and sign up for all of the affiliate programs, website, and autoresponder. You will be charged only for the domain name.
In about 24 hours you will have a website all setup, a 400 day autoresponder in place and free temp account with GetResponse, and you will be ready to turn all of your focus on building your list. Finding people who want to learn more about where they should start, and you can start to learn everything you need to know from the 30 day training that Stone Evens has all setup for you and walks you through to send traffic to your website and build your list.
Then I recommend, if you can afford it, that you go to List Builder Pro and sign up for up to 1000 subscribers so you can get your list to 1000 people at the speed of light. They can usually get about 30 subscribers a day for you. Here is the website that will give you all the information on them. Of all the things I do to build my list, this service is adding the most subscribers.
Then, like I said, spend the next 30 days going through step by step the training and implementation of your marketing system.
If you follow these exact steps, you will be further along at the end of the first month than I am right now. I have about 110 + subscribers, and 6 people signed up in the program. That is where the name of my site came from: Because I am going to show you how to start where you are right now, and take one big step to where it took me 2 years to get.
Don’t worry, there is a lot more to come. I am so looking forward to Thanks Giving. I love turkey, and I am going to have my son for the long weekend. (Only my favorite thing in the whole world)
What my son doesn’t know, it there is a kitten in his room right now waiting to be named by him. We already have 2 cats and 2 dogs, but none that he can say is his very own. Like I said, he will name this one. Let me know if you have any questions. What I have laid out for you above works, and will get you started right. I will talk more about this in the next few days.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Perfection and Discusion
The bottom line is that no post, no response. Posted, even if bad, has a chance of some response. If you saw my first squeeze page, you would laugh out loud. As bad as it was, I got my first 10 people on my list with it. It had a .05% conversion rate. Hey, when I got that to 1%, I was
Now to go in a different direction before I present some material to all of you that I would really like some feedback on.
One of the things that I see on different forums a lot is people making posts trying to start some type of dialog. They will complain that the majority of posts are just people trying to build links back to their website to improve their search engine optimization. (Not a bad Idea by the way)
OK, now to my main point. Last night I started a brain storm session trying to write copy for a new sales letter that I want to write to get more subscribers for my ezine. (That is what this is by the way) So, what I want to do is combine these two things, not wait for perfection, and open this up for discussion. So, what I am going to do is add everything that I dumped out on paper (figure of speech) and paste it below and on my blog at and I would love to hear your feed back. I am getting many new subscriber everyday, and soon I will be sharing with all of you how you can do that too, not to mention why and how important it is that you do that. But, until then, I want to really start to open up some dialog.
I am going to start by saying that I have started this new list and ezine a little over 3 weeks ago. I have just broken 100 subscribers on my list and I have had 6 people who have joined me in 3 to 6 of the business ventures that I am working with. I don't know about you, but I think we are all in the right place.
Second, I have been really trying to think about what you need, and why more people don't make money on line. So below, I started with these Ideas, and I want you to go to my blog and make comments, share ideas, and experiences, let me know what this info makes you think or do...OK, ready....
By now, I have my PhD in Internet Marketing, why can't I make any money?
You may think that's funny, but I have the debt and stacks of course work to prove it.
Sound familiar?
What's holding you back? What is the #1 reason keeping you from making money on line?
I don't have enough money to start a business and market it.
I don't have a lot of time; it is moving forward very slow.
I don't have a computer of my own.
I don't understand most to the terms much less how to use them.
Focus, where do I start?
I am going in 100 different directions; I don't know what to focus on.
I don't have anything to sell.
I don't believe it's possible, I think there all scams.
My wife won't let me.
I have already lost way too much money.
I don't want people to think I am a sucker for trying to make money online.
What if I fail, I'll look and feel stupid.
Unrealistic or Magic Pill
I didn't think it was going to be that hard. It looked and they said it was so easy.
I have been doing this 3 months, I can't believe I am not making $10,000 per month yet. Heck, I not making $10 per month
I really thought after I bought that last course, I was going big.
I'll start after Grays Anatomy, I have plenty of time.
If only I could have started 2 years ago. It's too late, AdWords have gotten too expensive. All the good Ideas are taken.
I can't find a company that sells decent leads.
I don't have any credibility. Why would anyone listen to me?
Don't have anything to offer
I am not very smart, I am kind of lazy, I don't baath very often, I haven't seen my toes in 6 year, but I did read the inside jacket of a book at the Salvation Army about Internet marketing once. OK, OK, I read most of it.
Bad Reputation
Ever since I stole that money from money form that 97 year old widow in that wheel chair, no one wants to do business with me.
I have about 67 websites started, 12 blogs that I haven't posted anything on for about a year, I have about 3 sales letter almost finished.
Faith = what keeps people going? I am an optimist, I just keep plugging away. I know it will happen someday.
Interpersonal skills
Measure and track
What are all the things you have to have an understanding of?
Google, AdWords, Html, blogs, social networking,
I know, I know, pretty crazy. So, what do you think. This ezine is only going to get better if the whole comunity starts to pull their own weight. So Let's see what you've got. Post some comments idea, hate mail, I don't care. I just want some feed back.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
From two things to one thing....Ooops, sorry!
OK, down to business. First I want to share with you that I am writing this with a tear in my eye. I finished writing this ezine the first time and when I tried to spell check it, I lost everything. I share this with you so you will realize that it isn't just your computer picking on you, they are all like
First I want to tell you about my secret weapon. RoboForm! I just counted and I have 154 sites in there, all log-on sites, which I can get into with one click. I don't have to remember anything, look up anything, and even better, when I filled out the form to sign up for these websites, I did that in two clicks. One filled out the form, and the second submitted the info.
I am sorry, since this is the second time I am writing this, I can't bring myself to write all the details again. I will say that you can try it for free, which I did for about 10 days before I bought the Pro version. I bought the Pro version because it doesn't limit how many sites you can store in the software. Try it here for free!
You will see, this is a good thing to know about. Even if you don't see the full value of it right now, in the future when you start to submit articles, blogs and Ezines to directories and announcement lists, you will be glad I shared this with you.
I told you about another amazing program that just came out this week developed by a good friend of mine Pat Lovel, but at 1:20am I just don't have it in me to write it all again. So keep your eyes peeled for a new tool that will put building your list on steroids or more important, help you make sure you have the highest possible quality subscribers for your lists.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
First thing," What to focus on?" This is a big first step!
In my last message, I talked with you about my very good friend Rick who was recently fired from his job. You would really have to know Rick to know how absurd it would be to fire him from anything.
What I promised to do was to lay out for you step by step what I would tell Rick starting today if he came to me and said, “Ok, Dan, I am ready to start making money online.”
I ended my last message by talking about my opinion of the importance of having and building a list. There are several reasons why having and keeping a list are important, and I will get into that further in the future, but right now I want to talk about relationships.
The bottom line is that people won’t buy from people that they don’t trust. When I first started out in sales, it was often talked about how it took 7 contacts with someone before you could close a sale. Today, on the internet, I think the number is even higher. This is assuming that what you are providing is something that a person really feels will help them get what it is that they want or need. (Money, Freedom, Independence, Security)
What does all this have to do with you? These are all concepts that are important for you to understand as you start marketing your business. I can give you the tools, and they can work for you, but if you don’t understand the concepts, if something stops working you will not be able to fix it. Or, if you try to duplicate the tools that I provide for you, and you don’t know exactly what the purpose of that tool is, you may miss something that is essential and not even realize it.
In the past, as I have developed lists, I have found it very hard to come up with content for regular and ongoing contact with the people who have giving me permission to contact them. I know that I need regular and beneficial contact with my list for the purpose of building and strengthening relationships.
That is why when I learned about the prewritten 400 day auto responder developed and tested by Stone Evens, and the fact that you could get this for free as well as be able to modify it any way I saw fit, I knew this was going to be a valuable piece of the puzzle. Keeping in mind, the end goal of the puzzle is to have a complete system that I could teach and give others that I was confident they could use and be successful building a business with.
Now to bring this back around to my friend Rick, the first thing that I would have Rick do is sign up for Plug in Prophet System so he would have an autoresponder all setup and ready to go. This way he can start to focus on developing his list and not have to be concerned about how he was going to work that list. That was all taken care of by one of the best, Stone Evens.
Now Rick’s sole focus could turn to developing a list: filling his autoresponder with as many new prospects as possible. This is no small thing, to have that big of a piece of the puzzle all setup, tested and proven to accomplish what most people could probably never develop on their own.
So, now, how does Rick start to build his list? How does he get people to subscribe to his autoresponder? We will start on that next
If you would like to subscribe to this ezine, email me at and you will be automatically enrolled: no, subject or message necessary.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
What I would tell my best friend if he came to me today...
Rick is one of those guys that gets along with everyone. He is the good friend and the go to guy for many people here in Gainesville Georgia. He grew up here and has lived here all of his life. A little over two years ago, he moved to Alabama for a management position with his company. After a little over a year, he was able to transfer back to this area for a management position locally.
I know Rick, and that year was probably one of the hardest year of his life. The sacrifice that he made personally was great. Not only did he move away from everything he knew, all his family, and his friends, he really disliked the job that he had to do in Alabama. Even being back here, the job was not the best, but it paid well by his standards, he was back here in Georgia, and the biggest benefit for him was that he was finally able to afford to have his wife stay home from having to work outside the home. This has been a dream of his for a long time.
Now in just less than a year after coming back, he was fired on a technicality (he turned in an accident report a day late). He said that he had already found another job making deliveries for a uniform supply company. Now his is only making a little over $9.00 per hour. No shock here, his wife has had to go back to work too. He is taking all of this in stride, he say’s this will help him get by for now, until he can find something better.
Why do I tell you about this? The reason is because of situations like this one, I have been trying to develop a business plan that I could step by step walk anyone through and teach them how to work from home and make a full time living.
The reason I have started to include my computer back ground, is because I have learned from talking with many of you that sometimes, it is simply the technology that gets in the way of you being able to even start to build a business online from home. I am going to make my next five or so ezines dedicated to what I would have my good friend Rick do it he came to me and said, “Ok, Dan, I am ready to give it a try, how do I start to make money from home with my computer?”
Here we go!!! Let me start by saying that in my opinion, having a list is the single most important place to start. As you build a list of people who are willing to hear from you and maybe even do business with you: you have a foundation in which to build, measure progress, and make improvements from. I will explain this further over the next couple of days. This foundation will help most of you understand better why I started this ezine with the “400 day pre-written autoresponder” made available for free from Stone Evans. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to start your home based business, but start it right.
If you would like to subscribe to this ezine, email me at and you will be automatically enrolled: no, subject or message necessary.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Good Place to Start
I joined the Marines when I was still in high school and went in 11 months later. While I was in the Marines, I learned how to work on and fix fighter jets (The F-4 if your interested). Before that I had no experience with being a mechanic, and within two years, I had all of my certifications which most people did not achieve until their second enlistment. Again why does this matter to you? Simple, because about 7 years after getting out of the Marines, I descovered computers. It turns out that those aptitudes that made me a good mechanic in the marines, made me a master trouble shooter with computers, networking, and phones systems. I want to provide you with my expertise so you don' have to be overwhelmed by the technology side of trying to build and run your home based business. You can look forward to helpful tips, ideas on things you may not know about, and answers to questions that you email or IM me.
This Blogspot will be the electronic file where my news letter or ezine articals to you will be posted as they are sent. The blog address is my email address is and my IM for Yahoo and MSN is I am really looking forward to hearing from you.
About the Author Dan Iverson:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Get Your Free Internet Marketing E-Book Now!